14 gennaio 2008

Eva in Russian DFoto 12/2007 from Tush 2006?


Blogger alxxx said...

now another game for our bloggers :)

I was reading russian DFoto (why I read russian publications is a mystery) and discovered a naked model from Tush that must be Eva! :)

now the game is, find if she is Eva or her double, if is her double we finally need to discover who is she ;)

than if is Eva we must find all other photos from tush editorial

good work and have fun :)

lunedì 14 gennaio 2008 alle ore 21:02:00 CET  
Blogger Mike said...

Wow, that's a good teaser. But a bad scan - and unfortunately I can't read the whole text. What does it say..."Tush Magazine XXXX 2006 1"???

Was there anything in Russian? :)

Tush is German (the magazine I mean). There are not too many issues (only 10 total) so we should be able to figure this out if we can get the key piece of info.

lunedì 14 gennaio 2008 alle ore 22:38:00 CET  
Blogger alxxx said...

it's not a scan but an extraction from a "djvu" file, I added a rapidshare link that is as good as it gets from the file in a lossless compression ...
I also updated the post with more images (only 1 new)

In the last few minutes I learned some russian :) so I discovered the photographer is Lado Alexi ...

now is your turn to find more ;)

martedì 15 gennaio 2008 alle ore 00:03:00 CET  
Blogger alxxx said...

I must add that the quality of the images from the djvu file is very bad :(

martedì 15 gennaio 2008 alle ore 00:05:00 CET  
Blogger Entony said...

Spostata la premiazione dei David per il film di Eva Riccobono: che ci sia un David anche per lei?

giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 alle ore 09:00:00 CET  
Blogger alxxx said...

miglior attrice emergente? miglior ruolo da co-protagonista? per cos'altro potrebbe esser premiata? come la piu' bella del reame? :)

piuttosto quando e' la data dei david?

giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 alle ore 10:21:00 CET  
Blogger Mike said...

I'm not able to find out much more about this unfortunately. We need to know the issue of Tush it is from so that we can get some good scans from the magazine.

It appears that the shoot has one body shot and one face shot from several different models, so I think those might be the only two photos of Eva.

If you go to the photographer's agency at www.schierke.com, you can see the topless shot in the same size, but it appears to be less compression - 104 KB vs. 33 KB.

giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 alle ore 16:18:00 CET  
Blogger alxxx said...

maybe you are right mike, so I agree with your analysis that there are no more official images, but we can hope to find better scans from the magazine, unfortunately often also Eva has no idea in which issue she appeared, this is in general, it can be she exactly know in which Tush issue she appeared ...

to reduce the issue numbers we can find useful that the shot was made on 25 march 2006 (from the exif) and we know it was a tush issue from 2006 from the russian DFoto, so it's an issue from april to december 2006.

giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 alle ore 18:34:00 CET  
Blogger Mike said...

Good deduction alxxx. Based on that, I was able to narrow it down. I think it is #3/2006 - with Diana Dondoe on the cover. I found info on it at TFS and there is an editorial by Lado Alexi - the models mentioned don't include Eva, but I think the person was just not as good at recognizing Eva.

I am in the process of trying to confirm if that's the correct issue.

giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 alle ore 19:53:00 CET  
Blogger alxxx said...

well done mike, sharing infos helps a lot ... so tell me which TFS thread has something interesting, I'm sure you identified the right issue number

giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 alle ore 20:06:00 CET  
Blogger Mike said...

TFS thread

You will see the editorial "Trend Akzente" is by Lado Alexi.

giovedì 17 gennaio 2008 alle ore 20:11:00 CET  
Blogger Entony said...

Il giorno 7 giorno della uscita.
Noi speriamo in miglior attrice non protagonista penso che ci possiamo accontentare.

venerdì 18 gennaio 2008 alle ore 09:28:00 CET  

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