09 marzo 2008

Masons and Carlo Pignatelli fashion shows

Masons show:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Download flv @Rapidshare / @Megaupload

Carlo Pignatelli show:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Download flv @Rapidshare / @Megaupload

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Blogger alxxx said...

well done mike! now you have other more valuable "work" to do ... just do it! and do it right!

domenica 9 marzo 2008 alle ore 04:30:00 CET  
Blogger Mike said...

Looks like there were some issues with the streaming versions (copyright and otherwise) so I put in screenshots instead - you just have to download the videos :)

As always, if anyone has trouble with the video file hosts that are used, just let me know - I don't want anyone to have to go without videos of Eva.

domenica 9 marzo 2008 alle ore 17:43:00 CET  

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