Video shoot at via Montenapoleone
Some images:
Video - Studio Aperto:
Video - SKY:
Download a zip with all the images and video @Rapidshare
See the original sources:
Video - Studio Aperto:
Video - SKY:
Download a zip with all the images and video @Rapidshare
See the original sources:
Wow, that certainly got everyone's attention. It's all over the headlines:
-Riccobono, baci a passanti increduli
-Eva Riccobono bacia tutti
-La Riccobono a via MontenapoleoneBaci e abbracci a passanti ignari
Well done Mike!
the new video must be fun.
Fun for Eva, and for the guys she picked...maybe not so much for their girlfriends and wives:
La gente mi guardava esterrefatta: c'erano fidanzate gelose che mi spingevano via, ragazzi che mi dicevano "non ci posso credere, è il giorno della mia vita!"
People looked at me astounded: there were jealous girlfriends who pushed me away, boys who said" I can not believe, it is the day of my life!"
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