There are only 3 balls!!!
belive me
the other 2 are inside ... ;)
repeate with me ...
there are 5 balls...
the balls are inside ...
inside my mind ... :)
tnx to Matteo for the great shot(s)
but not for the balls :)
with 5 balls Eva is a flipper just like:
"se mio nonno avesse avuto 5 palle sarebbe
stato un flipper" by 99 Posse.
Etichette: Eva Riccobono nude
My words are nonsense :)
I use them to divert reders attention from Eva nudes :)
I hope you limit yourself to read my word and don't look a the images, I'm just a bit jealous ;)
Why Matteo is not jelous or why Eva isn't shy like a sicilian girl "must be" :) I don't know ... ask Eva and Matteo all your questions, they can understand your words ... don't ask me what you can obtain from them ... also the images ... ;)
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